Sharpen up your sales and customer facing teams and grow your business!

Our courses on Sales, Marketing and Customer Service are listed below.  Each course is designed to help your sales, marketing and customer facing teams deliver results in an engaging, professional, energetic and results-driven manner and can be tailored to your needs. These courses are typically run over one or two days, either in-person or on-line.

These are some of the courses we offer in this category:

Click on a flyer to download the course outline (pdf, new window):

Sales Fundamentals

thumbnail of sales fundamentalsThe Sales Fundamentals workshop will give participants a basic but effective sales process, plus some key sales tools, that they can use to seal the deal, no matter what the size of the sale. Your participants will become more confident, be able to handle objections effectively, and learning how to be a great closer.

Excellence in Customer Service

thumbnail of Excellence in customer serviceThe Customer Service workshop will look at all types of customers and how we can serve them better and improve ourselves in the process. Your participants will be provided with a strong skill set including in-person and over the phone techniques, dealing with difficult customers and generating return long term business.

Overcoming Sales Objections

thumbnail of overcoming sales objectionsOvercoming Sales Objections is an essential part of the sales process, as it will open up a whole new set of opportunities. It will produce new sales and provide an ongoing relationship with new clients. Objections will always occur no matter the item being sold or presented.

Motivating your Sales Team

thumbnail of motivating your sales teamsMotivating your sales team will help your participants create the right motivating environment that will shape and develop their sales team with right attitude and healthy competition. Instilling that unique seed which grows the motivation in a sales team will ensure an increase in performance and productivity. Have the best sales team you can have through better motivation.

Marketing Basics

thumbnail of marketing basicsMarketing Basics will provide the basic knowledge to your participants, and give them the ability to build and grow your business. Marketing has changed a lot recently and having a new perspective will give your participants the needed information to assist them in their marketing decisions. No matter what your product or service is, your business will benefit with a better understanding of marketing.

Prospecting & Lead Generation

thumbnail of prospecting and lead generationEffective selling starts well before a sales rep makes the first call. Prospecting and lead generation is the method of making links which may lead to a sale or other promising result. Keeping the pipeline full ensures that you will continue to attract new business. The ability to prospect confidently and successfully is thus paramount in ensuring you generate high quality leads to feed to sales.

Handling Difficult Customers

thumbnail of handling difficult customersWith this workshop, participants will learn how engaging customers properly can benefit both the employee and customer. They will also gain a new perspective on how to react to negative customers and leave the customer satisfied and keen to return. Furthermore, participants will learn how to build rapport with customers, listen better, display a professional image, manage their emotions and stress better.

Negotiation Skills

thumbnail of negotiation skillsThrough this workshop participants will be able to understand the basic types of negotiations, the phases of negotiations, and the skills needed for successful negotiating. Our Negotiation Skills workshop will give your participants a sense of understanding their opponent and have the confidence to not settle for less than they feel is fair. Further they will learn that an atmosphere of respect is essential, as uneven negations could lead to problems in the future.

If you can’t find the course you are looking for, please try our other course categories: