Helps to bind and bond teams

At Lantern, we approach team build days with a difference! We call it Team Build Plus. Whilst group activities and challenges play an important part in helping to bind and bond teams, if there is no obvious take-out from the day, the team is left with happy, fun memories but nothing has changed!

We work closely with you to understand some of the skill gaps in your organisation and then develop and design a highly motivational and exciting day for your teams, built around some core skills and changes in behaviour.

These themes include:

  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Leadership skills
  • Understanding ourselves and others
  • Problem Solving
  • Efficiency and Working Smarter
  • Creative Thinking

Client Testimonials

“Overall, it was a fantastic day – I made the right choice coming to Lantern for our team building. It was full of fun and engaging and none of our employees wanted to leave in between the sessions – I’ve never known that before!  The team feels refreshed and re-energized, like they have been given a second lease of life.”

“Lantern developed and delivered a really excellent one-day training to meet our team-building needs.  Participants were engaged, learned a lot, had fun, and took away new knowledge, tools and ideas to apply in the workplace and their personal lives.  We highly recommend Lantern Training for teambuilding and leadership development, and would not hesitate to use their services again”.

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