Let’s all face it, we’ve all taken part in a team work challenge to cross a pretend river without touching the floor, to manage a tricky manoevre with a colleague whilst blindfolded, or to create a tower using your early morning newspaper. And it’s fun! At the end of the day, we say goodbye to our team still smiling but slightly concerned that our manager may view us a little differently tomorrow!

But then what happens?  … The next day is even busier catching up on what we haven’t yet done, the stories about what we did, shared over coffee, make way for something else, and life goes on, without anything really changing.

So there has to be another way of doing things…. And there is!

Great teams don’t just happen. There is an old saying that there is no ‘I’ in team which is meant to emphasise that there are no individuals in a team. But the truth is that a team is full of individuals. Each individual has their own goals, values and beliefs. They also have unique knowledge, talents and skills.

And they also have their own unique personality.

Understanding why each individual thinks, acts and ticks differently from anyone else in the team, and how to use this diversity, is the key to building a great, high performing and cohesive team.

Personality testing or psychometrics takes team building to an entirely new level. Your team starts to feel like human “beings” rather than human “doings”, understanding themselves and others so that as a team they improve communication, teamwork, motivation and leadership.

Not only is it insightful and sometimes quite life-changing for individuals, it is really fun and as far from training as you can get. There are a number of options you can choose, to suit your budget and your business, but whichever programme you opt for, we can guarantee that you will see results immediately and your teams will never look back.

To learn more, call us at Lantern Training on +254 706596162.