Team Building 

We all love a bit of teambuilding! When morale is low, people are a bit fed up, or perhaps the team is just tired, the leadership team might suggest a teambuilding day to inject energy and enthusiasm back into the team.

But just running around and playing games, whilst good exercise, may not change anything.

Teambuilding is a collective term for various types of activities used to improve relationships, break down barriers, give shared experience, encourage mutual understanding of different personalities and define roles within teams. Many teambuilding exercises aim to expose and address interpersonal problems within the group or help find solutions to team problems.

Before investing valuable time and money, it’s important to understand the real benefits, so you know what it is that your team needs.

Team work

Team building events create the time to focus on the importance of team work and what is needed to make you a better team. If you can work together better, understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, know what annoys and what motivates your colleagues and appreciate what brings out the best in others, the team is simply going to do a better job!


We communicate with each other every day, whether replying to an email, a speedy whatsapp message, a formal report presented to management, or even our facial expression as we pass in the corridor. Good communication is vital for a high performing team and team-building can help break down these barriers, helping us share information freely and clearly and avoid misinterpretation or confusion.


Some teambuilding activities require us to have a leader. They may be appointed or elected after we identify leadership qualities in individuals. Giving your team the opportunity to be the leader in a fun, safe, yet challenging role, helps them practice the skills they will need and understand how to bring out the best in others.


One of the most important roles of team building is building a person’s confidence. By giving responsibility to individuals to lead activities, coach other team members and solve problems successfully, their confidence will grow. They start to see how their contribution and talents matter and, in time, will feel more confident in contributing ideas or suggestions to help grow the organisation.


Responsibility is understanding that each member’s contribution to the team is important, regardless of their role. We define roles and clarify expectations to ensure the whole team shines and team building can help to reinforce how taking responsibility is vital for team’s performance.


For a team to be effective, trust is essential because it provides a sense of safety.

When we trust each other, we are able to open up to each other and expose our strengths and vulnerabilities. Team building programmes help participants to learn more about each other. If a workplace is able to foster a strong sense of trust within their teams, productivity, morale and team work will improve.


Differences atwork can lead to conflict, arguments, tension and stress.  It is important for teams to understand that we need to be respectful, professional and pleasant when discussing these differences. Team building can help to nurture greater respect for each other through communication, sharing knowledge, encouraging and helping each other.

Morale and Fun

We all know the famous proverb ‘All work and no play make Jack a dull boy’.

Team building is about shared experience. Doing things together, outside of the office with no roles or responsibilities  can help to break down the barriers, improve morale and create a more positive atmosphere. Teams that enjoy what they do, generally do a better job!


At Lantern, we approach team building days with a difference! We call it Team Build Plus.

Whilst group activities and challenges play an important part in helping to bind and bond teams, if there is no obvious take-out from the day, the team is left with happy, fun memories but nothing has changed!

We work closely with you to understand some of the skill gaps in your organisation and then develop and design a highly motivational and exciting day for your teams, built around some core skills and changes in behaviour.

These themes include:

  • Communication
  • Efficiency and Working Smarter
  • Creative Thinking
  • Presentation Skills
  • Understanding ourselves and others
  • Problem Solving

Call us today on 0702 369224 or email us on and we will help you bind those gaps!