Many leaders have a problem with proper delegation. Many leaders fear the employee may not complete the task the right way, so the leader develops the old attitude that “if you want something done right, you have got to do it yourself”. This type of thinking could be harmful to both the leader and the employee. A leader must learn how to delegate. This will not only ensure that they are not doing all the work themselves, but delegating also instills a sense of trust among the employees when they know that their leader can trust them to do something right.

Tips for delegating:

  • Assign the right tasks to the right person
  • Give clear instructions
  • Ensure understanding before releasing
  • Follow up
  • Work on your persuasive powers

This is a much discussed topic of debate; what is the right mix or balance of introversion and extroversion to make a truly effective team?

As a society, many often think of extroverts as doers, go-getters, superior team-players. Though the tide towards valuing individual strengths regardless of extroversion or introversion may be changing, extroverts are still often perceived as being more competent team members as they seem to get along with others more easily.

But as it turns out, studies have shown that extroverts sometimes do worse than they’re expected, and so lose status as they disappoint others, while introverts gain status as they exceed expectations for their group participation. In other words, extroverts can create great expectations because of the way they communicate, while introverts tend to undersell the expectations of their work. Neither is better or worse than the other, but a mix of different personality types on a team can help to balance out the effect.By mixing up introverts and extroverts, you are preventing setbacks caused by dips in your team’s morale as the contribution of each team member emerges.

Call us at Lantern Training on 0706596162 to understand how to use psychometrics to balance your team well.



We know we need a strong, cohesive, motivated team, but what does that really look like? How about this for starters?

– Colleagues that work effectively with each other, ensuring that service levels are excellent, communication is transparent and that everyone is motivated and committed to “do their best”.
– Client facing staff that can build positive, trusting rapport with customers who, in turn, feel confident in the service provided.
– Staff that have healthy respect for the talents and diversity of their team members and can work well together under pressure and in stressful situations.
– Staff that have a healthy attitude towards self development and are clear about how they need to improve and their own personal developmental goals moving forward.

There are a number of ways that we can look to achieve this, but today let’s take a look at Lumina Learning …

The Lumina Learning suite of psychometrics is the next generation of personal and professional development tools supporting individuals and teams to work more effectively, to drive performance and improve the bottom line.

Lumina Spark is the first step on this journey and provides an accurate, personalised Portrait focusing on increased self-awareness and practical development points to assess and improve communication, teamwork and leadership.

By taking a humanistic approach and viewing people as “human beings” rather than “human doings” Lumina Spark sets out to help organisations transform their performance by transforming their people.

Lantern Training is the only certified practitioner of Lumina Learning in East Africa and we are passionate about improving personal effectiveness at all levels within organisations.
Team development programmes are visual, dynamic and can be life-changing. By introducing Lumina into your organisation, we can guarantee that your teams will never look back!

It’s personal: All of our scientifically validated psychometrics, systems and resources are highly individualised so everybody touched by our programmes receives a meaningful, personal experience!

It’s customisable: Whilst we always recommend starting with the Lumina Spark assessment, every single programme we run is highly tailored to each organisation’s and each individual’s need. In the future you may like to build on the programme through Lumina Leadership, Lumina Sales and Lumina Emotion.

It sticks: We use colourful and practical imagery that people remember easily and apply in every aspect of their lives even years after a Lumina Learning experience.

It works: Our approach is flexible, measurable and results-orientated. We ensure everybody is held accountable, making sure that you receive the best possible benefits to ensure that your goals are met.

Call us on 0702 369224  and invest in a strong, motivated team!

The Six Thinking Hats is a method meant to improve the results of thinking and discussion. It may be used either by oneself or in a group. We should “wear” each hat in turn, and analyze the issue at hand from six different aspects separately. In a group setting, the entire group is encouraged to use just one hat at a time, thus contributing to an organized and comprehensive discussion, rather than a confused and mixed-up argument. Each hat is marked with a different colour and represents the following type of thinking:

White hatfacts and information; this hat includes information collected or identified as missing.

Red hatfeelings and emotions; this hat includes feelings, including gut reactions to ideas or items identified in other areas.

Black hat -– critical judgement; this hat includes details about obstacles to solving the problem or other negative connotations about an item or idea. Since people are naturally critical, it is important to limit black hat thinking to its critical role.

Yellow hatpositive judgement; this hat is the opposite of the black hat. It includes details about the benefits of an idea or issue, or thoughts about favouring an idea. It is still critical thinking and judgement as opposed to blind optimism.

Green hatalternatives and learning; this hat concerns ideas about new possibilities and thinking about implications, rather than judgements. Green hat thinking covers the full spectrum of creativity.

Blue hatthe big picture; this hat serves as the facilitator of the group thinking process. This hat can be used to set objectives both for the problem solving process and the thinking session itself.


MBTI is a personality preference tool that helps you understand you. It involves taking a questionnaire which asks you a series of questions about the things you do and the way you like to think about things.

MBTI was developed by a mother and daughter: Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers back in the 1940s and stems from the work of Swiss psychologist Carl Yung. Since then it has captured the world and is used across many diverse sectors and cultures and has been translated in over 20 different languages.

As a result of completing the MBTI profile you receive four letters. It’s these four letters that capture the essence of who you are. For example, are you someone who is highly organised or goes with the flow? Do you like to make decisions based upon logic? Are you an intuitive or do you need lots of information?

As certified trainers of MBTI in Kenya, we offer individual and full team building programmes and can make a real difference to your business.

#MBTI#  #Personal Development and Psychometrics#


Let’s all face it, we’ve all taken part in a team work challenge to cross a pretend river without touching the floor, to manage a tricky manoevre with a colleague whilst blindfolded, or to create a tower using your early morning newspaper. And it’s fun! At the end of the day, we say goodbye to our team still smiling but slightly concerned that our manager may view us a little differently tomorrow!

But then what happens?  … The next day is even busier catching up on what we haven’t yet done, the stories about what we did, shared over coffee, make way for something else, and life goes on, without anything really changing.

So there has to be another way of doing things…. And there is!

Great teams don’t just happen. There is an old saying that there is no ‘I’ in team which is meant to emphasise that there are no individuals in a team. But the truth is that a team is full of individuals. Each individual has their own goals, values and beliefs. They also have unique knowledge, talents and skills.

And they also have their own unique personality.

Understanding why each individual thinks, acts and ticks differently from anyone else in the team, and how to use this diversity, is the key to building a great, high performing and cohesive team.

Personality testing or psychometrics takes team building to an entirely new level. Your team starts to feel like human “beings” rather than human “doings”, understanding themselves and others so that as a team they improve communication, teamwork, motivation and leadership.

Not only is it insightful and sometimes quite life-changing for individuals, it is really fun and as far from training as you can get. There are a number of options you can choose, to suit your budget and your business, but whichever programme you opt for, we can guarantee that you will see results immediately and your teams will never look back.

To learn more, call us at Lantern Training on +254 706596162.